viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Anxiety and ways to deal with depression

Anxiety in lay man’s term means uneasiness, discomfort and nervous reaction leading to fear. Excessive anxiety may lead to anxiety disorder. It might lead to stomach aches, short breaths, nausea, chest pains, irregular heartbeats, frequent urination, muscle tension,slaapproblemen (sleeping problem), excessive sweating and trembling. Depression on the other hand is a more of a psychological problem. It’s your reaction to any kind of loss or misfortune. It is the frame of mind where people suffer from lack of energy and interest to do any activity, have negative thoughts, remain gloomy and sad, discouraged and show low self esteem.

Anxiety and depression can be judged based on their severity. Depression treatment can ease your problems. Start with daily healthy habits at home to cure depression. Control your breath. Breathe deep inside and release your breathe leisurely. Undergo physical activities to manage and reduce stress. Laughter is the best medicine. Watch comedy movies, read jokes, surf cartoon channels for a change. Spend time doing something that you like to do and are not compelled to do. Take time out to read a book, listen to soothing music, relax in a park, mix with people and spend quality time with them.

Mild depression can be cured using anti-depressant drugs. However, severe depression treatment requires expert medication. This involves usage of electroconvulsive therapy and psychosurgical treatment. Depressed patient needs to boost their self-esteem. Encourage the patient to talk to experts and doctors about their feelings. Be patient to hear their thoughts and feelings. Help them have proper food and drink, and persuade them to indulge in physical activities which can help them in stress verminderen (reduce stress). Complicated cases require counseling, psychotherapy, behavioral and cognitive therapies. Psychotherapy treatment usually takes two weeks to twenty weeks. The main practice of the therapy is to counsel the depressed person. In cognitive behavioral therapy the therapist helps the patient to gradually change their negative thoughts towards the positive side. Interpersonal therapy is usually a short term therapy mostly involved in finding the root cause of the depression and finding solutions to overcome such problems and anxiety.

Group therapy involves interaction of patients who have had experienced similar disturbance and stressful situation in the past, and they find solutions to overcome their mental blockage and move ahead feeling more self-assured and calmed.

Depression can disrupt normal life style, cause emotional stress and reduces productivity in work life as well. Treat depression at the root level for a better life.

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