domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

How to Rid Yourself of Chronic Anxiety Disorder

Chronic anxiety… what if you found out that there is a simple, yet extremely effective way you can instantly control, and after some time, eliminate the fear and panic that comes with this debilitating disorder? Sounds good right? Well get ready because there is a method can give you instant relief.

A lot of the so-called free advice on curing anxiety attacks, do little more than just treating the symptoms of anxiety disorders, they do not actually cure what’s causing it. How many times were you told that the way you can cure anxiety is to just think happy thoughts, control your breathing, and don’t get too stressed out? If you’re not Peter Pan happy thoughts won’t get you anywhere.

There is a real and effective way for you to rid yourself of anxiety and panic attacks. It involves a lot of different components working with each other to relieve you of this dreadful disorder. This method really works, and this is actually a long term solution to the problem. Here is how you do it, do this simple exercise whenever you feel like you’re at the onset of having a panic attack:

1. You must give your panic attack a time limit, say about 30 seconds. This is the amount of time you’re allowing your panic attack to come and do its worst, after which it needs to stop threatening you. You might think that it’s silly trying to give a time limit to an emotion, but give it try anyways.

2. Now be prepared to handle an increased heart rate, don’t worry about excessive sweating, that’s just a minor inconvenience so just deal with it. Remember that it has been scientifically proven that panic attacks cannot physically do you any harm; you just need to ride it through.

3. Let your panic know who the boss around here is. Tell it that it only has 30 seconds to stick around, after which it needs to scram, as you have no time to waste on it. You’re only allowing it 30 seconds to do its business and not a second more.

4. After the allotted time is through, you’ll feel like you’re regaining self-control. You see, you’re not actually stopping the panic attack from coming, you’re just limiting the time it has to stick around.

5. Practice this every time you feel a panic attack coming, but the next time, just give it 29 seconds as a time limit. Make it time limit shorter and shorter.

With this simple technique you’ll be able to make your panic attacks shorter, until it eventually goes away on its own accord. Practice doing this trick every time you feel like panic is about to strike.

Having to live in fear is a perfectly good waste of a human being’s life. You need to stop letting fear and panic control your daily living and start enjoying yourself. You’re the one who should take control over your own emotions, not the other way around.

Do you suffer with horrible panic attacks?

Learn how an “Average Joe” beat panic attacks with dead simple techniques!

The post How to Rid Yourself of Chronic Anxiety Disorder appeared first on Stress Anxiety Guide.

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