sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

Honest Parenting Is Real Help And Support For Struggling Parents

Honest Parenting


Which road do I have to take to rear a good child?

Being a first time parent is hard enough.

The process of being a new parent.

Parenting can be compared to riding a roller coaster, where throughout the way you will experience sky high thrills and even sometimes heart breaking downhill’s.

Here are the processes that you should know to become skilled in parenting.

– Not all parenting information can be processed instantly by our brains in a day. Parenting will require a lifetime of endless learning, rejoicing and even suffering before you are successful. What’s important to keep in mind is that you should never give up on parenting. As long as you are open minded when it comes to parenting, you have guaranteed that you have won the parenting race already.

Parenting is a never-ending job.

Being a parent is nothing but a priceless job. Nobody can say that parenting is such an easy task. Any money that this world can offer cannot buy a child’s laughter, kisses and meaningful hugs. Even after all of your children have grown up, they will still come to you for advice. Parenting is the most underpaid job ever and you do not even earn anything from being a parent.

Teach your kids self-reliance

As opposed to other children who have little or no opportunity to be allowed to explore self-reliance, who was never taught to learn that with possession always comes responsibility, and was never allowed to fulfill their very own needs, sadly they tend to acquire a sense of entitlement which obscures their sense of contribution. A strong integrity and well developed self-esteem stretches beyond any possession and approval of their peers. Moreover, by avoiding conflicts out of fear thinking that your child will not love you back because you do not give everything him/her wants is ridiculous. Upon learning to take on responsibility, your child will be self-sufficient.

Get more compliance from your child.

Always relate your command as a statement, and never as a your child a question – Most parents are prone to saying, “Would you like to star doing your homework now?” and other commands which should always be stated using a firm voice such as saying, “It’s time to work on your homework now”, which can help you gain more cooperation from your child. Your child is then less likely to oppose if he/she feels that he/she have some control of the situation when trying to gain cooperation from your child. To solve your child’s defiant behavior, you should not take the bait in a power struggle with your oppositional child.

Common child and parent problems.

All of us went through that stage where we all wanted to be just like all the other famous kids. Parents are trying to guide their children to the best of their knowledge by reliving their very own childhood/teen years and the truth of the matter is that parents haven’t really moved forward to present times. Your child will begin to revolt about attending school in ordinary school shoes, they might be asking for designer gear like those “other kids” and parents tell their kids not to feel jealous or even inferior. Though, children do not realize that not all parents can actually afford to pay high prices for their children clothes and shoes, I know that your own child won’t take that into consideration, he/she wants to be just like the others, and often say that if others have it, why can’t they have it too.

Make memories with quality family time.

All that you should is change the way that you think, this can be achieved with simple steps with just a bit of planning and forethought.

The following tips ensure that your family time will be stress free and will ensure that you will make your family memories last for a lifetime:

– Parents have to first establish some positive uplifting points or topics for dinner table conversations. Avoid criticisms, arguing or squabbling during family dinners.

– Plan a simple dinner that is delicious and nutritious, but doesn’t require stress while preparing it.


Honest Parenting

Simple parenting techniques that tame difficult kids. Free trial.


The post Honest Parenting Is Real Help And Support For Struggling Parents appeared first on Journey Parenting.

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